While veal is the traditional choice for authentic German Wiener Schnitzel, chicken or pork is an easy and delicious substitution. And this pan-seared...
This simple crock pot recipe is a perfect comfort food. Thai pork is a great fix for when you don't want takeout. Enjoy all the flavor at a fraction of...
Divine Baked Salmon Recipe in a creamy Alfredo Sauce! It is one of my favorite salmon recipes aside from smoked salmon that is served cold. Learn how to...
Recipe: Recipe Information - Description: - Tuna burgers with carrot ginger sauce is a delicious American recipe usually served as a main dish. It requires...
Savory and satisfying, this Breakfast Pork Fried Rice is perfect for any meal of the day. Loaded with flavor, protein and fiber, this meal is an all in...
It is surprisingly easy to cook a steak as good if not better than the best steak houses in the world. With steak Its all about the quality of the meat,...
A little spicy and a little sweet, this recipe for Chipotle-Honey Barbecue Ribs is mouthwatering delicious! These are best when grilled, but can also be...
Instant Pot Garlic Parmesan Chicken and Rice is creamy, rich comfort food with chunks of white chicken meat. It is probably my favorite chicken Instant...
Bacon Wrapped Chicken is filled with cream cheese and smoky green chiles, then baked till juicy on the inside and crispy on the outside. This recipe is...
This Easy Instant Pot Fettuccine Alfredo is the perfect restaurant-quality weeknight meal - perfectly cooked pasta in a rich, creamy sauce, on the table...
Pork loin stuffed with onions, garlic, spinach, mushrooms and cheese for a super tender and flavorful entree. With just enough stuffing, this pork loin...